Import Demo Content

Demo Import Process

NOE: We are added two demo import method in our theme, if one of not working then please try second method.

Import Method 1 : –

If you want your site to look like exactly the ‘FundBar’ demos, please follow the instruction.

  • Step 1 –   Install the All Required Plugins.
  • Step 2 –  Make sure all the required plugins are activated before you begin demo content importing,
  • Step 3 –  Chose UNYSON form Dashboard, install and Activate the extension named ( Backup & Demo Content ).
  • Step 4 –  Then navigate to ‘Tools > Backup & Demo Contentand chose your your preferred demo which you want , then click to “Install”


Import Method 2 : –

If you want your site to look like exactly the ‘FundBar’ demos, please follow the instruction.

  • Step 1 –   Install the All Required Plugins.
  • Step 2 –  Make sure all the required plugins are activated before you begin demo content importing
  • Step 3 –  Then navigate to ‘Appearance > Import  uTech Demoand chose your your preferred demo which you want , then click to “Import Demo”

  • Step 4 –  Find the FundBar_Options.txt file from theme folder (themefolder/lib/dummy-data/options). Edit the json file with any text editor and copy all json data.
  • Step 5 –  Then navigate to ‘FundBar Option >Backup Optionsand paste the code in json import field , then click to “Import” then click save.


Step6: Delete the One Click Demo Import plugin as you do not use it anymore

Step7:  Import the Revolution Sliders demos manually

  1. Add separately any slider from demo_content folder (unzip the “Full theme and documentation” zip you download from Theme Forest to get to this folder)
  2. Go to Revolution Slider – Import. Select the revolution slider zip from ( themefolder/lib/dummy-data/slides ) – and click import. or drag the home version wise slides and import the slides.

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